I gotta say...I have a thing for horror movies with hot men. Call it a fetish or whatever you want, but I do get turned on seeing a hot guy in uncomfortable circumstances. But before you deem me a potential serial killer, you should know I think the perfect slasher movie is to have the hot guy triumph in the end...or at least die heroically.

The movie of the day: Lake Dead. From the title alone, you can tell this aint gonna be a very original movie. In fact, so much of it would remind you of Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Friday the 13th. Nevertheless, props to the producers for hiring at least one hot actor by the name of Tim Devoti. Although it's rarely a good thing to be the boyfriend of the female protagonist, Tim's character actually kicks some ass...before...well, I won't ruin the ending for ya...

If you got the time, and you're into horrible horror movies, then watch the whole thing.
Otherwise, skip to minute 31 to see him somewhat shirtless!
Otherwise, skip to minute 31 to see him somewhat shirtless!
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